Freight Broker Survey Are you working as a freight broker under your own authority, or are you working as a freight agent under someone else’s authority? I’m a licensed broker with my own authority I’m a freight agent working under someone else’s authority Have you taken any courses or training on becoming a freight broker or freight agent? Yes No If yes, where did you receive training? How long have you been working as a freight broker or agent? 0-1 Years 2-5 Years 5-10 Years 10 Years or More What is your current income as a freight broker or agent? (not including other income sources) $0 - $10,000 per year $10,000 - $30,000 per year $30,000 - $60,000 per year $60,000 - $100,000 per year More than $100,000 per year Do you already have a Shipper Packet? Yes No Do you already have a Carrier Packet? Yes No Do you already have a Rate Confirmation Form for carriers? Yes No Which of these things would benefit you to learn? (Select all that apply) How to find shippers How to find shipper contact information How to determine who the decision maker is How to sell the shipper on using you as a broker How to find carriers How to find carrier contact information Carrier onboarding How to make cold calls How to craft cold emails How to establish warm leads How to get an introduction to the decision maker How to be more confident in your role as a broker or agent How to calculate a shipping quote Learn about factoring Invoicing and getting paid Dealing with bad or lost loads List anything else you would like to learn (optional) How long would you want a training program of this type to be? 1-2 hours 2-4 hours 4-6 hours 6-8 hours 8-10 hours More than 10 hours If a training program truly solved the problems you are having, what would you think a fair price would be for the course? $499 $699 $899 $999 $1499 $1999 What style of course learning would you prefer? (Select all that apply) Video Audio Text Would it be helpful if you had a way to practice handling cold call objections privately? Yes No Would you be interested in learning more sales skills? Yes No Submit Survey